Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Here's what we did for Independence Day. Theron and I rode the Bonneville County Democrat's float. We kept it simple this year, mostly recycling the donkey from a couple of years back and then making signs based off the Idaho Democratic Platform. We had everything from "protect productive farmland" to "torture? not in my America". We also had some of our candidates walk along with us and hand out their literature. One candidate in particular, Debbie Holmes, is really exciting to me. She was a real estate agent in Boise and was seeing the housing crisis up front. She got mad and decided to run for Congress. The woman has no rhetorical/oratory skill, but is as genuine as you could want.

Obviously, I have no skill at uploading images, so forgive me. But there we are. It was a fun day overall. In what used to be an uber conservative enclave, our float got cheers and peace signs and thumbs up. It was a pleasant surprise. As for the rest of the political spectrum in the U.S. Yeah, we still have a lot of hurdles to make it over. But at least on the fourth, I was feeling a little glimmer of hope.


mfranti said...

fun fun fun.

and theron looks like papa

angryyoungwoman said...

Yay! And soon I'll be a Bonneville county dem, too!!!

galen dara said...

yay!! PICTURES!!!!
and what a fun 4th

Lessie said...

AYW, I can hardly wait to have you among us! Let us know if you need help moving.

Thanks for not laughing at my total lack of photo posting skill, G. I was so embarrassed to put this up.

And you're right, MPM, he does look a lot like his daddy. The only people who disagree are the ones who haven't met Alistiar.